A UX Analysis of Real Estate Royale, Yakuza 0’s Game

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More evidence of odd Korean affinity for supposedly Japanese Daisaku Ikeda

Hey, yallz. This started out as a snarktastic romp, but quickly turned into a deep dive. Full disclosure: Thar be lots o' information ahead, me hearties, but it identifies a few more of those dots that need to be connected in order to see the whole picture. It is all coming into focus - what's ahead is long, but I think you'll find it worthwhile. (Sorry not sorry.) Shall we begin?
From the NHR:
"Shin'ichi's (Daisaku's) father had spent time in Seoul before World War II, when he was drafted and stationed there. Whenever Korea came up in conversation, he would express his indignation at the terrible arrogance and cruelty of the Japanese in Korea. These discussions left Shin'ichi, then in elementary school, with a deep concern for Korea. Shin'ichi believed Korea was a great cultural benefactor to Japan, and that Japan could best repay its debt of gratitude by sharing Nichiren Daishonin's profound philosophy of happiness and peace with the people there. He also advocated exchanges between the people's [sic] of Korea and Japan to forge lasting ties of friendship for the sake of future generations. (The New Human Revolution, vol. 8, p. 268)
Of course, if Ikeda's REAL father were Korean, that would be convenient camouflage to explain why he'd been in Seoul. If that fact had not been known, the fact that Ikeda's father was connected to Seoul, I doubt it would have come up at all. Ikeda's Korean father may have been one of the Korean men who came or were forced to come and work in Japan:
During Japan's colonial rule [starting in 1910], some Koreans went to Japan looking for economic opportunities, while others were taken there as forced laborers. Source
Also also, considering Pappy Ikeda's age PLUS the fact that his seaweed farm provided supplies to the Grand Ise Shrine, the Shinto heart of Imperial Japan, it seems extremely unlikely that the Japanese government would conscript him, an old guy who had a passel of kids, including grown children they could be going after (and did). I have a farm; you can't just up and leave and expect to still produce a harvest. It's not a believable narrative.
It's in narratives like this that you can see the bones of the REAL Ikeda history jutting out. Either he wanted to see a narrative that contained familiar elements to him, with the proper excuses why these should be positive things (or at least not a problem), or his ghostwriters knew about his history and snuck bits and pieces in there for the sharp-eyed reader to pick up.
A magazine published by SGI in March 2000 cites an interview [with] Ikeda. "I have a memory of my father teaching me Korean," he says in the interview. Source
Again, that scenario makes sense if Ikeda's father was Korean.
IF I'm right about Ikeda being a zainichi (person of Korean ethnicity born/living in Japan), he was 24 when the Treaty of San Francisco took effect in 1952, removing his citizenship and rights overnight. Toda immediately arranged a marriage for him with Wifey - they were married less than a month after the Treaty of San Francisco went into effect (more on that in a bit). Ikeda's always been a bitter, vindictive person; this sequence of events could have played a large part in shaping his hatred of Japan (see below) and determination to take over the country and rule it as he saw fit.
Back to the NHR:
"If the relationship between the two countries must be likened to that of siblings, in light of Korean's historical role as a great cultural benefactor of Japan, Korea clearly should be referred to as the elder. Despite this fact, Japan went ahead and attacked the country that it owed a huge debt of gratitude. (NHR-8, 271)
And doesn't Ikeda think everybody owes HIM "a huge debt of gratitude"??
"Chang recollects: 'I was picked on just because I was Korean. Even in school races, we had to let the Japanese girls beat us. We had to make them look good. Everyone knew that; it was common knowledge. We weren't allowed to stand out or succeed. When we were playing with Japanese children, they would suddenly start chanting, 'Korea, Korea,' and throw stones at us and say that we stunk." (NHR-8, 281)
But this sort of thing didn't begin in earnest until after Japan's loss in the Pacific War resulted in a reckoning where the Japanese became even more insular and xenophobic.
As total war erupted in China in 1937 and war with the U.S. began in 1941, Japanese racial discourse swung hard toward an articulation of Japanese racial superiority based on the idea of Japanese purity. During WWII, Japanese racial politics aligned with German racial ideologies and fueled the ideological battles among different races and nation-states. ... In the postwar years, in the midst of a collective affirmation of racial unity based on common sentiments rooted in nature, history, and imaginedancestry, the "discourse on Japaneseness" (nihonjinron) was born and constructed the core belief of national identity with assertions about unique Japanese blood and thought processes. While "there is no such entity of the 'Japanese race' in the objective sense, the Japanese have tended to perceive themselves as a distinct 'racial group." ... Japanese "purity" also became the foundation of a new "anti-imperial" ideology for postwar Japan in which Japanese as a unique ethnic group in the world were inherently inward-oriented and therefore non-expansionist. The prewar empire was dismissed as an aberration and the "racial supremacy" of the Japanese that undergirded Japanese militarism was tamed as a "racial uniqueness" that guaranteed Japanese peacefulness. Japan's national identity, especially in the postwar years, was built upon the myth of a unified and uniquely shared imagined community based on the purity of race. ...the discriminatory treatment of Korean residents in Japan ... is a sobering reminder that there is still no guarantee that the government will refrain from the adoption of racialized policies.
We've noted how the Japanese and the Japanese members of SGI clearly consider themselves superior to the other races and ethnicities.
At the end of WWII, Japanese propaganda perpetuated this strict hierarchical view of Asia in racial terms. With Japan at its apex, the propaganda asserted that Japan's three thousand year history and unparalleled racial supremacy bestowed a civilizing mission on the country. The racial hierarchy was clearly spelled out in the 1943 Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare population policy program report, called "An Investigation of Global Policy with the Yamato Race as Nucleus." The Meiji Constitution established that the Emperor was a direct descendant of the original Yamato clan. ...
The original policies of the allied occupation were to democratize Japan by deconstructing the Zaibatsu, long controlled by corporate oligarchs, and prosecuting high-ranking fascist war criminals. Washington soon changed their policies in the late 1940s and decided to release Class-A war criminals, support fascist collaborators, and reconstitute prewar conservative business rules. ..."Recognizing that the former industrial and commercial leaders of Japan are the ablest leaders in the country, that they are the most stable element, that they have the strongest natural ties with the U.S., it should be U.S. policy to remove obstacles to their finding their natural level in Japanese leadership." The new U.S. policy in Japan terminated the purge of Japanese war criminals and reinstalled the fundamental structure of Japan's pre-war fascist regime that was responsible for the creation and manifestation of prewar Japanese propaganda that emphasized the purity of Japanese blood and the uniqueness of the Yamato race and culture.
As the only country in Asia that escaped Western colonial occupation, Japan developed its economy and industry with strong protectionist policies, and justified the economic and political exploitation of Asian countries through its racialized propaganda. Japan's political acquiescence led to the expansion of American and Western colonial projections that the prewar Japanese government, at least rhetorically, tried to prevent by its own imperial policies in Asia. Source
The Casualties of U.S. Grand Strategy: Korean Exclusion from the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Pacific Pact
The exclusion of Korea highlights how American diplomats failed to reconcile the competing threads of addressing Japan’s wartime past and colonial legacies in Korea with America’s strategic priorities. ... In a post-Cold War era, this foundation that originated in 1951 would in turn become an obstruction as American policymakers sought ways to bind South Korea and Japan closer together, only to encounter simmering feuds between the two nations.
Longstanding cultural attitudes and ignorance set the stage for continuing American disinterest in Korean attempts to achieve moral redress for Korea’s colonial past. Korean exclusion was sealed by departmental concerns about upsetting a careful timeline that prioritized the restoration of Japanese sovereignty.
Despite the spark of multilateralist fervor in the ending days of World War II, American diplomats ultimately failed to normalize relations between Japan and Korea. Source
Back to the NHR:
"The Japanese government's treatment of Korean residents in Japan was extremely cold and cruel. Even harsher, however, was the unchanging and deep-rooted prejudice and discrimination by the Japanese people. Regardless of the official policy in place, many Japanese companies refused to employ Koreans, and many people would not rent them rooms." (NHR-8, 283)
Was Ikeda expressing his resentment over having been treated as a second-class citizen after the Treaty of San Francisco went into effect in 1952? Wouldn't this explain why Ikeda was so determined to insulate himself via wealth, power (political and cult), and layers upon layers of loyal followers, all constantly told to "Protect me"? That's clearly a strange enough detail that it keeps coming up...
The image that came to mind was, of all things, that scene from "Gone With The Wind", where Scarlett has battled to get desperately ill Melanie and her newborn baby back to Tara, only to find it's in ruins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lpr5cQtKT4#t=0m44s
"As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again!"
Scarlett vows to lie, steal, cheat, and kill - whatever it takes. And she does! She's horrible! She's ruthless, bulldozes over anyone who gets in her way, and takes whatever she sees as the most expedient means to her goal - even stealing her sister's fiancé for herself. Scarlett O'Hara is a truly AWFUL person.
But we don't hate her - no, we understand why she is that way. The privation of the Civil War and the difficulties she faced in trying to make her way in the chaotic aftermath shaped her in important ways. Scarlett O'Hara came from money, and she was determined to regain - by hook or by crook - that lifestyle that she felt had been so cruelly taken from her.
Can you see the similarity to Ikeda yet?

When we look at what Ikeda chases after, we can see what HIS motivations are.

He's an uneducated buffoon - dropped out of freakin' community college after only a semester - so he uses the wealth he's connived to amass to buy honorary degrees and to purchase photo ops of fancy university people honoring him (you'd be surprised what university officials will do in exchange for a tidy donation). He's set up almost a dozen vanity presses where the dirty yakuza money he's laundering and all those good-hearted, sincere, deluded SGI members' donations pay to publish books written by others, with Ikeda's name stamped on the cover - books no one will ever read. But at least he can now claim to be a published author! (Too bad, Daisaku, another cult leader holds the world record for most self-published titles - L. Ron Hubbard of Scientology!)
What else does Ikeda chase after? Respect and admiration. He is constantly begging world leaders to meet with him, even for just a photo op, in hopes that their fame and prestige will rub off on him. Many of these meetings are purchased. The most innocuous and casual of exchanges suddenly becomes, according to Ikeda's ghost-writers, a dialogue of world-class importance between towering visionaries! So many of these are published in Japanese, after the deaths of the "visionaries" in question, that it's likely their estates have no idea Ikeda's blowing it all up into such a charade. Ikeda has tried to set himself up, an absolute unknown, as the equivalent of the world-famous Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mahatma Gandhi, an obscene overweening vanity that most people find disgusting and repellent, leading observers to conclude that Ikeda is vain and cheap and the more self-aware members to be extremely embarrassed. Source
The pieces are all falling into place.
What's funny is how he [Ikeda] talks about "the Japanese", not "we Japanese" or "my people" - Ikeda is speaking about the Japanese people as "other" to himself. Does this come naturally to Ikeda because of his Korean ethnicity? To a zainichi, someone of Korean heritage, being by law a non-citizen and stripped of rights within Japanese culture could predictably create some feelings of hostility toward "the Japanese"... Source
Ikeda's repeated references on the Japanese people's ungratefulness likely refers to his own experience at being stripped of Japanese citizenship as a young man just because he was of Korean ancestry, despite all he felt he had contributed to the country - having worked as a teen in a munitions factory - despite it being HIS country (he was born there). Note that under Japanese law, zainichi can't vote or run for political office, which explains the urgency with which Ikeda formed a political party (something Toda said the Soka Gakkai would never do) as his (Ikeda's) only way to gain political power for himself. That also explains why Ikeda has never run for office - he's prohibited BY LAW, and if he TRIED, well, THAT would be all over the news. Notice how one of Ikeda's pet political party Komeito's planks is to give the vote to the zainichi. Self-interest much, Sensei??
Remember - Toda said that the Soka Gakkai would never field a political party:
Toda emphasized that the Soka Gakkai had no interest in forming a political party or even electing members to the lower house. His intent was to build a foundation for the construction of the kokuritsu kaidan, national high sanctuary, at Fujinomiya by imperial decree. This, he thought. would legitimize Nichiren Shoshu and accomplish obutsu myogo, the fusion of politics and religion.
Despite Toda's announcement that Soka Gakkai would not form a political party, in 1964 third president Daisaku Ikeda announced the formation of a political arm of the Soka Gakkai which became known as the Komeito, Clean Government Party, which included obutsu myogo and Buddhist Democracy in its platform.
The public furor over Soka Gakkai's apparent attempt to position Nichiren Shoshu as the state religion and the aggressive proselytizing carried out by Soka Gakkai resulted in the separation of Komeito and Soka Gakkai. Komeito dropped obutsu myogo and Buddhist Democracy from the platform. The term "obutso myogo" has been dropped from SGI jargon and purged from books and documents. Source
Ikeda: China is such a big and populous country. Yet family ties are deeper and stronger than we in Japan can even imagine.
Is Ikeda alluding to his "outsider" status in his own family as an adopted zainichi orphan? The fact that he's clearly estranged from his many (adopted) brothers and sisters? The fact that his father(s) basically threw him away?
So the very first time Daisaku Ikeda's father meets this Toda guy, Toda asks his permission to take possession of Daisaku (who by this time must be around 24?) to the point of informing Pappy Ikeda that he's planning an ARRANGED MARRIAGE for his son, and Pappy Ikeda doesn't give a shit! "Yeah, go on, take him and get him outta here" is his attitude - is this because Daisaku was already a black sheep for abandoning the family earlier? No one from his family of origin joined the Soka Gakkai, you know, not even after Daisaku started making bank. Daisaku's father doesn't seem to care about him at all and just wants to be rid of him. Source
Notice what glowing, fawning terms Ikeda uses in talking about "mothers" but he doesn't have much at all to say about "fathers"? Notice what a failure Ikeda was himself as a father? That has to come from somewhere...
Ikeda has written those 2 adopted children out of his own bio; isn't that peculiar? A family wealthy enough to have 8 children of their own AND adopt an additional 2 children, who saw their fortunes collapse with the end of the war effort (obviously not the earlier 1923 Kanto earthquake), would have probably been pretty happy to be able to get rid of at least those two adopted children now that they were poor.
Ikeda (and/or his ghostwriters) obviously thought it would make Ikeda look GOOD to be saying these things! Ikeda comes across as fawning, creepy, and self-important, and his deep-seated hostility toward Japan and "the Japanese" comes through loud and clear. In light of this thinly-veiled attitude of contempt and animosity toward the people of Japan, doesn't Ikeda's obsession with control, wealth, and power make sense?
Could Ikeda have been laying it on thick with a trowel in hopes of currying favor with the Chinese government in case he needed to call on them for backing (a strategic alliance) if he ran into any trouble taking control of the Japanese government when the time came? Source
Ikeda did promise the Chinese government that the SGI would not do any shakubuku in China, you know!
Chris Holte heard the story from a SGI member whom had visited China, that the SGI had promised not to engage in mass Shakubuku Campaigns as part of their negotiations to visit China. Source
Since recruiting and fund-raising are any cult's primary activities, the Ikeda cult included, Ikeda must have had some compelling reason to set one of his top two, most profitable, objectives aside.
- ...at the age of 14, Ikeda began working in the Niigata Steelworks munitions factory as part of Japan's wartime youth labor corps. Source
Think about how all this background information might have applied to the later context that the Soka Gakkai recruited from among society's most marginalized people - the poor, the sick, the displaced, the un-and-undereducated, laborers rather than skilled workers, lonely people, sex workers, those from dysfunctional families...
They were struggling! They were suffering! The spoils of Japan's economic system were inaccessible to them; they were feeling left behind, shut out, ignored. Who cared about them and THEIR needs? And along comes Pied Piper Ikeda, singing songs about how bad the Japanese government is, how filthy, how corrupt, so "dirty" that it was necessary to form a "clean" government party (literal meaning of "Komeito") in order to try and fix things. Ikeda intended to fix things - according to his own self-serving vision, which was of his cult spreading like wildfire through Japanese society and his pet political party gaining a clear and dominating majority within the government, a strong enough majority to vote in whatever Ikeda wanted. Change the constitution to make Nichiren Shoshu (then the Ikeda cult's parent temple) the national religion? Done! Remove the now-obsolete Emperor (he needed Shinto to establish his legitimacy, remember) and replace him with the beloved Soka Gakkai strongman Ikeda? DONE!
Notice how all this hatin' on Japan and Japanese society would appeal to the frustrated malcontents (whose frustrations his cult was exploiting and perpetuating). They'd do whatever Ikeda said in hopes of gaining power, influence, status, and social standing for themselves - and this desire was thoroughly exploited by the Soka Gakkai and the Society for Glorifying Ikeda: They, Ikeda's disciples, were the most noble, most worthy, most valuable of all people within society, and in the Ikeda New World Order, they would be the leaders, the decision-makers (or at least decision-enforcers), the elite.
Now think about the kinds of persons to whom such a vision would appeal. THAT's who the Soka Gakkai was recruiting. And of course they must be primed to not just accept, but to yearn for, a complete overthrow of the government they will be taught to hate if they don't hate it already.
Look at what Ikeda was telling them: Democracy is bad and wrong. Society needs more people who base their lives in Nichiren Daishonin's "Buddhism" so that they can unerringly make good decisions, for everyone's happiness. Society needs more of these people in positions of power and influence, to direct society toward happiness, prosperity, and peace. Always with the "peace". Who doesn't love "peace"? Just trust Sensei.
"My dear young friends, efforts being made now by politicians, economists, educators, and cultural experts to save Japan are doomed to failure, because the fields in which they work are incapable of doing what must be done, unless they are based on true Buddhism. Only true Buddhism can save our society and allow people to live in happiness." - Toda
Notice that one of Ikeda's pet political party's goals has been to gain the right to VOTE for Japan's Korean minority, the zainichi. If they'd ever managed to attain this goal, what group would Komeito be able to count upon in the future as a reliable source of votes? Yeah...
And why was the Soka Gakkai so insistent on Koreans' right to vote? Unless their supreme executive had some sort of personal interest in this particular detail...
Do you see how this all ties together?
submitted by BlancheFromage to sgiwhistleblowers [link] [comments]

Anyone beat the Sotenbori Club Czar Mingame in Yakuza 0 yet? I managed it yesterday and WOW, why didnt they make a Standalone of this Masterpiece!!

It nearly took me about 30 hours to complete the whole minigame Sotenbori Club Czar. It takes such along time because you have to do very much beating up to gather Completion Points in order to acquire most of the neded Hostesses. But it really was fun to play, especially the Hostess Special Training Interviews were mega entertaining since Goro Majima seems to be a very special guy. And upon completion of this minigame, you get the 4th "legendary" fighting style Mad dog of Shimano
Compared to Kazuma Kiryu`s Real Estate Royale Minigame, there is much more diversity in the tasks to fulfill and a lot more action ingame.
If you ever have the choice to begin Yakuza 0, which is on Gamepass on both Systems atm, don't hesitate to give it a try
submitted by Pschirki to xboxone [link] [comments]

Society of the Divine Dragon, part 2

Part 1: Jinja Koichi
Part 2: The House in Nagoya
Obata Yasuo, 47 years of age, is one of only a handful of surviving members of the Shinno-Kai, a yakuza group based in Aichi whose roots could be traced back to the Meiji era. Because of their sudden and mysterious demise, the Shinno-Kai has been the subject of a number of urban myths.
Most notable among these legends is perhaps the story about the cursed spirit of a woman who committed suicide because she could not bear the shame of being raped by members of the Shinno-Kai. Sources claim that it was this very legend which inspired the popular horror film about a vengeful poltergeist. Another legend claims that the organization was secretly a demon-worshipping cult, and that many of its members engaged in ritual suicide.
After serving a ten year sentence for his part in the killing of a fellow gang member, Obata now lives a modest life as a street vendor in Seto City where he rents a one room apartment overlooking the Hounji Buddhist temple.
My interviewee continued to recount the events which lead up to the plot to kill Jinja Koichi—who most believed was the target of an assassination in an internal struggle for power within the Shinno-Kai. Obata, however, told another version of the story.
“Please, Obata-san, simply tell it as it happened.”
“There is one small thing before we continue,” he said, drumming his fingers on the table.
Over the past half hour, I’d grown somewhat accustomed to Obata’s theatrics. Regardless of whether or not I believed him, he was an outstanding storyteller. I nodded, curious as to what his request would be.
“I’m all out of cigarettes,” he declared, scratching the back of his head. He seemed as embarrassed as he was agitated. “Would you mind going on a walk?”
I happily obliged, oblivious to his plan to lure me to another place.
And so, our interview continued on the serene streets of suburban Seto. When I inquired about his smoking habit, Obata revealed that he smoked upwards of two packs a day. Life is too short to obsess over one’s health, he professed.
After procuring some tobacco from a nearby convenience store, we strolled along the perimeter of the temple as Obata recounted the events that unfolded in Nagoya.
“Watanabe Jiro was the one who devised the plan,” he explained. “He was a dissident who fell under Jinja’s command when his own boss pledged allegiance to Jinja. His boss was an old timer who’d been lifelong friends with the don. Well, I suppose I shouldn’t bore you with all the politics. The short version is that when Watanabe Jiro’s boss died, Jinja inherited his branch of the clan. This did not sit well with some of the followers.
Watanabe’s plan was for us to visit the Jinja estate under pretence of defecting from Ryotaro’s faction. He would vouch for our sincerity and host a small ceremony for our induction.
And then, during the ceremony, we offer sake to Jinja which has been poisoned by Watanabe.”
A bell rang from within the Hounji temple just as Obata paused to take a drag from his cigarette.
“That was the plan anyway, and, as you probably know, it didn’t pan out that way.”
Indeed, records show that Jinja Koichi did not die from poisoning.
“When we arrived at the estate, the gates were wide open. None of Jinja’s men were present. Not so much as a dog was there to guard the entrance.
We wandered into the courtyard and there was nobody there, either. Nothing. Nothing but a vacant garden and the silver glow of the moonlight.
In spite of this, the six of us stuck with the plan. We found our way to the dining room, where we saw that Watanabe had prepared all the adornments of the ceremony. We agreed to remain there until Watanabe and Jinja would reveal themselves.
Naturally, as the minutes passed, we began to contemplate whether we’d been betrayed by our co-conspirator. In case things went south, Tanaka brought a handgun as insurance. Only Inada and I were privy to this detail, however. Suzuki was drenched in sweat and nervously trembling. He was the youngest among us, after all. Suzuki had nothing to do with Jinja or his mother. He was simply coerced into coming because Tanaka needed soldiers.
At one point Tanaka and I exchanged glances, and there was a mutual understanding that perhaps it was time to deviate from Watanabe’s plan. But then, just as the two of us rose from our seats, the screen door slid open, and in walked Jinja Koichi—-alone.”
Obata paused as the bell in the temple rang once more, inadvertently punctuating his suspenseful narration.
“We bowed as he joined us at the helm of the table. All of us had the same thought on our minds: could the rumors about this man really be true?
The five of us kept our gazes low while Tanaka spoke.
‘Please accept our humble servitude,’ he said, pouring himself a bowl of wine one of two bottles on the table.
He then poured wine for Jinja from the other bottle—the one marked with golden cherry blossoms, as per Watanabe’s plan.
The two of them drank the sake and exchanged bows. Inada followed after Tanaka, then Fujita, Shigata, Suzuki and finally me. The sake was lukewarm and left a metallic aftertaste in my mouth.
Watanabe Jiro was still nowhere to be seen, and with every passing moment his betrayal became more apparent. There was no poison in Jinja’s wine.”
Obata halted.
“There seemed to be, however, something in ours.
Tanaka, who first drank the wine, suddenly gasped for air. He whipped out the revolver from inside of his suit jacket, but collapsed onto the table before he could fire a shot. Inada writhed in agony on the floor until he, too, succumbed to the tainted wine. I watched in horror as blood seeped from their eyes, their ears, and every other orifice on their faces.
Fujita, realizing what was happening, took the gun from Tanaka’s limp hands and aimed it at Jinja. There was a click, but it did not discharge. Either the safety was on or the gun somehow jammed.
When Fujita collapsed to the floor, a pang of fear swept over me. I looked at the empty bowl before me and realized that my own fate had been sealed.
In that moment, I did not feel the urge to avenge my comrades. There was no rage, no bravado, no contempt. All that remained on my mind was a profound feeling of dread.”
Obata and I stood still under the setting sun, our shadows stretched long before us. The low pitched hum of the temple’s bell subsided at last, giving way to the distant jingling of wind chimes.
“I remember Suzuki perched in the corner with his back to the wall, barely holding on to that little knife with his trembling hands. ‘I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die!’ was the last thing he cried before blood came gushing out of his mouth.
This whole time, Jinja did not utter a word. He poured himself another bowl of wine from the bottle with the cherry blossoms. For whatever reason, Shigata and I remained unaffected by the wine, and this seemed to amuse Jinja. I remember the look of shock on Shigata’s face when Jinja spoke for the first time—the voice that came out of his mouth was that of a woman, and when he spoke the words seemed to resonate within our heads like the song of a siren.
‘Stand,’ was the first thing it said.
An irresistible urge to obey his command overcame every fibre of my being. Shigata, too, had fallen under its spell. We rose to our feet against our own will, powerless to defy the call of that bone-chilling voice.
Jinja then lifted a finger in my direction, and he simply said to Shigata: ‘Cut out his eye.’
Obata pointed to the prosthetic eye behind his glasses. “This. This was the eye that Shigata carved out of my face. Shigata, the man who was like my brother.
I felt every bit of it. Every blood vessel that ruptured and every nerve severed. The pain consumed me whole. My body stood erect because the voice demanded it, but in my mind I prayed for the sweet release of death.”
We sat down by the side of the road so that Obata could catch a breath. Reliving the memory seemed to take a physical toll on him. His hands shook as he fumbled with the matchbox, struggling to light yet another cigarette. At last he went on: “And then that voice spoke to* me*. That voice that adulterated the very essence of my soul.
‘Bring me his tongue,’ it commanded.
When Saito’s eyes met mine I saw the same familiar gaze that he had as a child, that knowing stare that seemed to say I remember you and everything you’d done.
I seized the knife from Shigata’s blood-soaked hands, the same one he’d used to cut out my eye, and I plunged my other hand into his face.”
Obata’s voice trembled as he confessed: “I did as he wished. I severed the tongue from Shigata’s mouth.”
Every hair on my body stood on end. Ever since I noticed the scars around his prosthetic eye, I couldn’t help but picture the macabre scene. Demonic possessions, mind control, and a yakuza boss who ate his own mother… can any of what he speaks be real?
“And then, just as Shigata’s tongue came loose, I spotted a figure in the corner of my peripheral vision, crawling across the floor with alarming alacrity. A split second later, there was a loud bang. Before I knew it, I was jolted free from the spell. I looked to Shigata and realized that he, too, had been set free. The way we stared at each other, my eye in his hand and his tongue in mine… the moment was surreal, I can’t describe it any other way.
A moment of silence followed, and the acrid smell of gunpowder filled the room.
Jinja had been shot in the chest—and Suzuki was holding the smoking gun.”
“Suzuki?” I asked, “Didn’t you mention he was poisoned?”
“He was. I gather he must’ve regurgitated whatever was in that wine when he coughed up all that blood. But, let me continue.”
I apologized for interrupting, and Obata went on: “Jinja’s body hit the floor with a thud, and I thought at last the nightmare was over. I bolted out of that room, nearly tripping over my comrades’ bodies as I did, and I went searching for some ice. You know, to preserve our severed parts. Losing a digit or even a hand wasn’t all that uncommon, but a tongue and an eye… that’s wild, even for me. For whatever reason, I was fixated with the idea of finding ice, and so off I went seeking it.
I felt that something was awry as soon as I entered the kitchen. The cooler wasn’t your typical household appliance kinda deal. It was a full sized walk-in, like one you’d find at a butcher’s shop. My instincts warned me that something evil lurked behind that door, but the organs in my hands were deteriorating and every second mattered.
So, with what little strength I could muster, I yanked open the steel door.
I’ve been a yakuza for the better part of my life and seen my fair share of blood and gore. I’ve witnessed first hand what violent men are capable of. Hell, I’d just been possessed by some kind of demonic spirit and had one of my eyes dug out of its socket. What I’m getting at is that I am far from squeamish.
Yet, what I saw behind that door... It made me wet my pants.”
I swallowed a lump in my throat as I scribbled Obata’s story onto my little notepad. In my ten years of working as a journalist I’d never written down anything like this.
“It was Watanabe Jiro and his men. Their bodies were hung on meat hooks like carcasses of livestock. Some were missing limbs, others even the entire lower half below the waist.
I only realized I was looking at Watanabe because I recognized the tattoo on his chest. Much of his face had been crudely chiseled away, like the inside of a half-eaten watermelon.
And then, as though the scent of my blood had somehow reinvigorated them, the bodies on the hooks began to spasm. The corpses twitched and twisted… as though they’d come alive. This is going to sound ludicrous, but I swear it was what I saw. When Watanabe’s faceless corpse tumbled to the ground, it let out a blood curdling shriek that scared the living shit out of me.
In hindsight, I should’ve gone out the front gates, driven home, taken a hot shower and pretended it was all just a bad dream. I should’ve left, I should’ve. No one would fault me for running away. There’s no rational explanation for any of what transpired there.”
I offered a nod of agreement. There’s nothing rational about this story—we agreed on that much. At that time I couldn’t help but worry about what the editor may have to say about all this. Of course, I never suspected that the interview would get even more bizarre. Way, way more bizarre.
Obata went on: “But I didn’t run away. I went to fetch the others. Call it comradery or brotherhood or whatever yakuza code of honor nonsense that I naively clung on to. Or perhaps, subconsciously, I was fleeing to the safety of the one handgun in the building. I really can’t tell you. All I know is that I returned to the dining room to warn them of the ghouls in the kitchen.
When I entered the room Shigata had his back to me, and he was hunched over Jinja’s body like this. There was so much blood on the floor. Far too much from a single gunshot wound.
I stepped closer, and only then did I realize that Shigata was eating the goddamn body.
That image of Shigata lifting his face out of Jinja’s cut-open belly and turning around… that fucking image is forever etched into my mind. I’ll never forget it--but every time I try to remember what happens after, I draw a total blank. My memories of the events in that house abruptly end here. All I can remember is Shigata looking me square in the eye with Jinja’s guts smothered across his face.
Next thing I remember is waking up in the snow, surrounded by policemen. They found me naked and unconscious in somebody’s backyard nearly a mile away. I couldn’t explain how I wound up there or how I wasn’t frozen to death. Or why my entire body was covered in wounds.
They went looking for Suzuki, too, but they didn’t have to look far. They found his body on the side of the road, his brains splattered all over the pavement.
Poor kid blew his own brains out.”
Obata stood up and put out the cigarette with the bottom of his sandal. Together we walked through the front gates into the temple grounds, down a small serpentine path obscured by fallen maple leaves. As we approached the shrine at the center of the garden Obata curiously asked whether I had some cash on me. I rummaged through my pockets and handed him a crumpled up 1000 yen bill which he slipped into the temple’s offering box on my behalf.
“That bell over there,” he said, pointing to the main building. “It rings twice every six hours. The monks who reside there claim that the bell keeps the evil spirits at bay around these parts.”
“Do you believe him?” I asked in earnest.
“If I’m being frank, I don’t know what I believe. I only know what gives me peace. I’m a vegetarian now, for example, and that gives me peace. Everytime I hear the bell, it gives me peace. I’m not obsessed with truth or anything like that. I just want to live my life in peace until my time is up.”
Truly, that temple grove was one of the most peaceful places I’ve ever seen.
“How did you find out what became of the Shinno-Kai after the events of that night?” I asked.
“Well,” he replied. “the Shinno-Kai had been my family for most of my life. Even when I wound up in the slammer, my reputation as an officer of the clan had some clout within the prison circle. During the first couple of years I had regular visitors bring me books and cigarettes and news of the clan. Not long after Jinja’s death, the oyabun suffered a stroke and was forced into retirement. Matsumoto Ryotaro became head of the Shinno-Kai Sixth, and as a display of influence he held a ceremony at the Hommaru Palace with a thousand men in attendance.
The day of the ceremony came and went. And then, the visitors stopped.
For the next several years I waited and waited, but no one ever came again. My my, those days without cigarettes were insufferable.
The other prisoners grew distant, and the guards became especially cruel towards me. On good days I was subject to menial tasks and verbal abuse. On bad days I was starved and beaten—for no apparent reason. I grew anxious and resentful because I thought my brothers had forsaken me, after all that I’d sacrificed for the clan.
Little did I know at the time...
That the Shinno-Kai was no more.”
At first I thought it’d been a figment of my imagination when I noticed a flake of snow drifting through the air. The brisk autumn air grew heavy. As I looked up and felt the snow fall upon my face, a chill ran down to the base of my nape. Obata took notice as well. He pinched into an uneasy squint.
“Is it true, the myths about what occurred at the ceremony?”
He shook his head as he stood up. “We should get going.”
“How much of the myths were real?” I pressed on as Obata led the way. At last we arrived at the part of his tale that coincides with the very legend which led to this interview. My heart raced as I awaited his response.
But Obata did not speak. He seemed entrenched in troubled thoughts, his gaze set upon that faraway moon in the dimmed twilight sky as we made way towards the flat boulder steps ahead. A dark cloud loomed ominously above the temple grove.
The bell in the temple suddenly rang, startling me and stopping me in my tracks. It was much louder hearing it from up close.
A gust of wind assaulted us from the front, kicking up the leaves and powdery snow.
“I thought the bell only rings twice?” I questioned, catching up to him. It hadn’t nearly been six hours since we last heard the bell. My voice began to quiver, and I was unsure whether it was due to the drop in temperature or that Obata’s story was beginning to get to me.
When last he spoke again, he explained to me: “Sometimes twice is not enough.”
End of Part 2
submitted by keniluck to nosleep [link] [comments]

One-Shots: How much to prepare? Any tips?

I'm a fairly new DM and I wanted to try some new stuff for my next campaign. I'm planning on having a "Session 0.5" type thing where I do a 1-on-1 one-shot with each player. The plan is for them to go on a little adventure related to their backstory before meeting the party. I hope this will help them develop their characters and allow me to see how they play before the first session. I've never done a one-shot and I'm notoriously bad at knowing how much to prepare so I was wondering if you guys knew how much I should actually prepare for something like this. I've never had a 1-on-1 session or a one-shot before so any tips would be super useful.

I've asked each party member what kind of adventure they wanted to do and built up a basic concept. I'll list them just in case it helps. (We are also playing Pathfinder)
-Atlas, our Human Gunslinger: He wanted a gang war.
His session will revolve around the gang war between the Greasy Boys (Greasers) and the Mollusks (Yakuza). Atlas must lead his gang and stop the growth of Tachibana Real Estate, the business cover for the Mollusks, in his hometown of Atlantis. They have been buying out local businesses in the area by force and are currently trying to acquire the Atlantean Mining Company in an attempt to take over the Slums all in one go. Together with the Greasy Boys, Atlas must stop the Mollusks from buying the A.M.C. whilst avoiding the Law.
-Yuu, our Merfolk Fighter: He wanted to do some gladiator fights.
His session will be the conflict between him and the Crustaceans, a gang known for selling dangerous magic drugs and managing the illegal fighting pit known simply as the "Craw-Pit". After refusing to pay the Crustaceans "protection money" and beating up their debt collectors, the leader of the gang, Mr. Omerta, has decided to take action against Yuu. He has sent his best gang-members to capture Yuu and bring him to the Craw-Pit so that he may fight for their entertainment. Once he is captured, Yuu must fight his way out of the Craw-Pit and find a way to convince Mr. Omerta to not burn down his Seaweed Farm.
-Lance, our Human Ranger: He wanted some Indiana Jones type ruins adventure.
His session will be him managing an exploration team searching the ruins of an underwater city. After being chosen to be the leader of an expedition for valuable relics, Lance is brought to the Explorer's Guild to prepare. He is on strict time constraints because the employer is a noble that wishes to give the king a gift for his birthday. The King's birthday is in (4?) days. Lance will have a few hours to interview and pick out a crew before going to the docks to pick out a suitable ship. They will then make their way to the underwater ruins of Kamina. I was thinking that the payout and success would be dependent on the crew and ship.
-Phoenix, our AasimaSyrinx Vigilante: He wanted a heist type thing about freeing slaves. (Note: He is a slave owner by day and a slave freer by night.)
His session will revolve around the setup and execution of a heist where he will steal the slaves of a nearby plantation known for its horrible treatment of slaves. After abandoning his life as the youngest son of the king of Ricke, Phoenix travels to the nearby settlement of Denholm. There he meets Lazarus, a mysterious Emberkin AasimaSyrinx that has shown an interest in freeing slaves. They quickly became partners after realizing that they both were originally from Ricke and are now preparing to free all the slaves from a plantation off the coast of Denholm. Every good heist has a twist so I'm planning on having Lazarus betray Phoenix and "free" the slaves the only way he knows how, by killing them.
-Our 5th player just started setting up but he will most likely be a Skinwalker Druid that is really into dinosaurs. (Not sure what to do for him quite yet)

TLDR; I was wondering if you guys had any tips for preparing and doing a 1-on-1 one-shot that will act as a "Session 0.5".
submitted by Bu3nozdiaz to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

Korean yakuza Daisaku Ikeda's SGI/Komeito amassed wealth & power via organized crime, political corruption, illegal drugs, money-laundering, N. Korea, & Bush's CIA. (part 2)

(Part 2 of 3 - see links at bottom)
In 1969, I was asked to come to Japan in November to help with a special campaign mission. Daisaku Ikeda had asked for some American help for the Japanese members. The political party Komeito needed several Americans to help with the elections as Komeito’s success would mean that Kosen Rufu is becoming a political reality. For nine and half weeks, myself and four other members, who were selected because we were political science majors at our universities, traveled throughout Japan to promote various Komeito candidates. Daisaku Ikeda told us that this was good training for us as some day we would be the foundation for an American Komeito.
On the morning of December 22nd, our schedules changed and we were told to pack everything as we must leave Japan immediately. It seemed that some magazines were trying to gather pictures and information about the Americans who were helping Komeito. The Japanese constitution prohibits foreign citizens from participating in Japanese politics. Although we spent a lot of time and effort, we had become a political liability, and we left Japan within five hours.
In 1970, I was asked to prepare to accompany an entourage of Soka Gakkai leaders, throughout America and to Europe. The lavishness and luxury that our group enjoyed showed me that my members’ Zaimu contributions were paying the way for a grand lifestyle. In the morning, before the group arose, breakfast trays and carts were delivered by room service with oysters for the traveling religious leaders. When we left the hotel we traveled by Daimler Limousine throughout the countryside stopping at historic cities for picnic lunches.
...the massive purchases of art work from the great galleries of London, let me witness how power driven this, quote, world leader was. He [Ikeda] would walk from gallery to gallery pointing out the art works that he wanted, and telling the galleries how much he would pay. Later that day we would, once again, return to the galleries and pick up those works leaving behind great amounts of money...
However during one planning board meeting, we were told that president Ikeda had decided that the American contribution for Shohondo should stay in America to promote Kosen-Rufu in America, that the Japanese members could afford the cost of building the Shohondo. So the trust and intent with which the members gave their all for the building of the Grand Main Temple was defrauded and diverted for additional real property acquisitions, everywhere.
After the completion of the Grand Main Temple, the Shohondo, in 1972, a trip to Central and South America was planned. It was learned that in Brazil, many members had complaints about their leaders and the loss of money that had been collected for Shohondo. Myself and three other people would accompany a guidance team for the members’ faith, while attempting to find and retrieve the lost funds.
Our first stop was Panama... Ikeda told Colonel Noriega that he must do his best for the people of Panama and try to protect his boss, general Trujillos from all problems, for if something happened to Trujillos, Colonel Noriega quite possibly would become the leader of Panama. I found this very odd, that this religious leader would be talking to military dictators in such a manner. Later, General Trujillos was killed when his airplane exploded. Colonel Noriega became the next military dictator of Panama.
After Panama, we went to Brazil for a general meeting in San Paulo. ...Ikeda returned to Japan, leaving us and the guidance team in Brazil... We learned that ...the leaders had hidden and stolen money raised by the members for the intent to build the temple.
The Brazilian leader responsible was strong-armed into returning the money, which was to be taken to the United States. Bringing $900,000 cash into the U.S. without declaration, is a United States Federal crime. [MONEY LAUNDERING]
People who usually do this involve innocent victims using any type of diversion necessary. I was that victim. And that is what the Soka Gakkai and their leaders did to me. Shortly after that, I resigned all of my duties, responsibilities and involvement with Daisaku's disciples.
I was given packages of gemstones with custom papers to carry for Masayasu Sadanaga, or George M. Williams, the day of our return flight. He knew I would not question the contents of these packages. When I arrived in Los Angeles, U.S. customs picked me and these packages for inspection. The custom’s paper and the contents of the packages were completely different. Instead of only semi-precious stones, there were mounted in gold, diamonds, emeralds, topaz, aquamarine, etc, whose value was fifty times that of the custom’s declaration.
I was held by US customs for 17 hours for a crime that I knew nothing about. While I was being detained, the other guidance leaders walked unobstructed through customs with $900,000 in undeclared, cash monies. This event changed my life. No longer would I ever blindly and trustingly follow these religious thieves.
Steve Gore - Experience of an SGI Leader
Workers at a waste dump in Yokohama pried open an old safe and $1.2 million in yen notes fell to their feet. A pile of yen notes, $1.2 million worth, is on display for reporters and photographers at a police station in Yokohama, Japan, after being found in a garbage dump. The money has been linked to a powerful, militant Buddhist religious sect, the Soka Gakkai. The sect, in turn, controls the Komeito or Clean Government party Japan's second-largest opposition party.
The incident has cast a spotlight on some less-discussed truths of Japanese politics: that the Liberal Democrats hardly command a monopoly on under-the-table money, and that religious groups can rival big business as a source of influence-peddling in Japanese politics. A year ago, the Komeito seemed above such problems, and bound for greater victories. But it tripped badly when some of the Clean Government members were implicated in the Recruit scandal, the stock-and-influence schemes that chiefly rocked the Liberal Democrats.
That incident tarred Komeito with the same charges of rampant corruption that the governing party is fighting. Now the Liberal Democrats are hoping that voters will find the Yokohama safe Incident, along with mini-scandals that have enveloped the [Komeito] opposition, disturbing enough to think twice about throwing the governing party out...
Leads gathered in the Yokohama dump led the police to a transportation company owned by a former Komeito member of the upper house. The company distributes the Soka Gakkai's dally newspaper. And the safe [was] kept in the company's basement until it was carted away with refuse...
The [Sokagakkai] sect is under the strict control of Daisaku Ikeda, and by many accounts (chiefly from dissidents who have left the party or been thrown out) so is the Komeito, which was founded in 1964.
Technically, the Komeito has been fully independent of the religious sect since 1970. But it is an open secret that the party draws most of its candidates and its constituency from the Soka Gakkai. Soka Gakkai members work as volunteers for the party candidates, and for a long time there have been charges, but little proof, that donations... make their way into Komeito coffers.
"This is a totally corrupt religious organization," said Yukimasa Fujiwara, a member of the Tokyo municipal assembly, who was expelled from the Komeito party when he publicly criticized the Soka Gakkai's control over its policies and finances. "Religious institutions get donations from worshipers that are tax-exempt, so they don't have to account for the money," Mr. Fujiwara said. "That leads to corruption. And where is the money is going? Into funding for the Komeito."
Dissidents suggest that behind a facade of international respectability, Mr. Ikeda is a cult leader. Mr. Fujiwara asserts that Mr. Ikeda maintains "a dictatorship over the Soka Gakkai." A Soka Gakkai official said Mr. Ikeda gives no interviews. The police seem to suspect that the money in the safe was part of a larger slush fund, stashed away for a needy political cause.
Japan Finds Latest Scandal in a Dump
Soka Gakkai (literally, "value-creating society") brings in, conservatively, $1.5 billion a year to the top line, according to our best estimates of its membership, its tithing demands and its commercial activities. Most of that revenue is collected in Japan... The group's far-flung international assets include estates in France and the U.K.
Since the cult.org is (constantly) rolling in illegitimate money and wealth, it (continuously) needs to be cleaned up by "investing" it real estate, buildings, art, stocks and bonds, precious stones, and gold. And of course, Ikeda and his cult.org never have to tell a soul where all the wealth comes from or where it goes.
*A thousand spiritual centers worldwide include a site worth $6 million near New York City's Union Square. In wealth and claimed following, Soka Gakkai exceeds more familiar sects such as Hare Krishna, the church of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon...
Soka University which reported to the IRS that its assets exceed $740 million... a 740 million dollar investment in a school with 300 students. Nothing suspicious about that, right?
Sensei's World: Daisaku Ikeda's unaccountable empire can thank lax treatment of the nonprofit world.
SGI-USA is a multimillion-dollar religious corporation
According to LA County tax records, SGI Plaza [assessormap.lacountyassessor.com] and adjacent properties [assessormap.lacountyassessor.com] around Sixth and Wilshire in Santa Monica are valued at over $20 million. (These are just tax valuations, not the market value.)
Just across the street, the World Culture Center [assessormap.lacountyassessor.com] and Ikeda Auditorium and the house behind the WCC [assessormap.lacountyassessor.com] are valued at more than $7 million.
SGI-USA’s Malibu Training Center, [assessormap.lacountyassessor.com] with a tax valuation of $1.4 million, was on the market in June 2003 for $21 million. It sold for $14.5 million in June 2003. SGI originally purchased the property in 1972 for a reported $109,000. [www.caic.org.au]
The LA Friendship Center -- $3,600,000 [assessormap.lacountyassessor.com]
The Santa Monica Community Center -- $4,300,000 [assessormap.lacountyassessor.com]
Soka University, Los Angeles in Calabasas -- $14,000,000 [assessormap.lacountyassessor.com]
Plus, this other little bit of SULA -- $5,700,000 [assessormap.lacountyassessor.com]
A quick search on [www.hawaiipropertytax.com] brings up results of "agricultural properties" owned by Soka Gakkai:
10 acres - parcel 220480940000 [www.hawaiipropertytax.com]
3 acres - parcel 160093950000 [www.hawaiipropertytax.com]
3 acres - parcel 160093960000 [www.hawaiipropertytax.com]
10 acres - parcel 220480950000 [www.hawaiipropertytax.com]
SGI-USA's main facility in Hawaii is the Hawaii Culture Center [www.honolulupropertytax.com] -- Market Land Value $2,318,800; Market Building Value $14,950,000
In Hawaii, Soka Gakkai also owns: Makaha Community Center;[www.honolulupropertytax.com] Maui Community Center;[www.mauipropertytax.com] Pupukea Community Center. [www.honolulupropertytax.com]
[NOTE: Hawaii has some of the most expensive real estate in the US]
The Soka University of America campus in Aliso Viejo, Calif., opened in 2001 with an endowment of $300 million to teach a class of fewer than 200 students. GuideStar.org reports that SUA has assets in excess of $700 million.
The Denver Culture Center ($2.5 million) [www.denvergov.org] , the New York Culture Center ($5.7 million), the Florida Nature and Culture Center ($3 million) [bcegov.co.broward.fl.us] are all listed in tax records as being owned by Soka Gakkai International-USA. There are more properties in Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, etc., but you get the idea.
An overview of SGI-owned properties and their values as of 2004
We have previouly established a clear association between the Yakuza and the SGI/Komeito (which of course means Ikeda): Soka Gakkai, a religious organization represented by the political party Komeito, used the Goto-gumi, to keep its party strong and squelch dissent. Tadamasa, the Goto-gumi boss, explicitly discusses these ties in his recently published autobiography. (From The Muse Project article.)
and then there's this gem: At the 1:03:40 time mark of this video of a panel discussion, Jake Adelstein makes a clear statement regarding SGI's Komeito connection to the Japanese Mafia. He tells us, "Godo, a major Yakuza boss, admits in his own book that he worked for Komeito, a political party and religious group".
Andelstein goes on to say, Godo stated, "I worked for them [Ikeda's Komeito], I did their dirty work." Godo has offered to testify in Congress about his connections, and NO major Japanese newspapers dare to write about Godo's allegations, because they are afraid of the "political fallout". Andelstein says, "In Japan, collusion with the Yakuza is not a crime - it's not a crime to use the Yakuza to shut-up opposition or to squelch a scandal."
More from Jake Adelstein: A split in the biggest yakuza group
...the Ohm's terrorism taken place in Tokyo's subway stations in 1995 is closely related to Gotogumi; they guided Ohm to North Korea to obtain chemical weapons. Gotogumi is literally the cancer of Japan. Gotogumi is notorious for erasing people.
Then why not arrest them soon? No, no. It's not that simple. The thing is that Komeito, a political party supported by SGI (Soka Gakkai International) is the sponsor of Gotogumi. Keeping almost 8% of seats in Japan's parliament (as of 2006), Komeito has been the potential decision maker and giving LDP stable regime since LDP's seats barely exceed the absolute majority. In other words, Komeito can exert enormous power in politics more than its percentage (two thirds of the total executives are taken over by Korean related people or zainichi).
It is evident that you'd think why Japanese citizens won't stand up. One of the reasons is that media is already frightened and manipulated by Gotogumi and Komeito. We rarely hear the criticism of those groups...
Gotogumi, consisting of 1500 members, is a branch of Yamaguchigumi, the biggest Yakuza.
At last we'll see Yakuza's agony
A 1952 investigation by the Department of Justice resulted in a demand that Toda write a statement to the special investigations bureau that Soka Gakkai members would refrain from the illegal use of [yakuza style] violence or threats in their proselytizing.
There are reports of isolated incidents of violence conducted by Soka Gakkai members... The [yakuza style] use of violence and intimidation as a part of the shakubuku campaign during The Great Propagation March has been dismissed by the Gakkai as "excessive zeal"... but evidence shows that much of it before 1967 was actually organized by its high-ranking leaders [under Ikeda].
The Great Shakubuku March
In 1995 Akiyo Asaki, a politician in the Tokyo suburb of Higashi Murayama, complained vociferously that all city garbage collection contracts were going to [yakuza] Soka Gakkai-affiliated companies. After receiving death threats, Asaki plunged off a building. When police arrived at the scene, they recognized her and, even though she was still alive, kept her from getting medical help, according to her daughter, Naoko Asaki. She says that when her mother died, the police tried to have her body immediately cremated. The prosecutor's initial investigator, Masao Nobuta, and the officer in charge of assigning [assisting] him, Hiroshi Yoshimura, were both members of the [SGI] sect. Autopsy evidence, allegedly withheld by police, was presented to show large bruises under her arms, suggesting she had been dragged. Naoko Asaki maintains her mother had left a phone message in a tense, fearful voice before she died.
Probes of the death petered out after Soka's Komeito party joined a coalition government in Tokyo. Naoko Asaki is cynical: "Do you think a government that depends on Soka Gakkai is going to investigate?”
Death Watch
sara-kin: Short for ‘salary man financiers’. Loan sharks, often with yakuza ties, who lend out at extraordinarily high interest rates. In1982, about 10,000 borrowers who were not able to their loan back either committed suicide or simply fled their families.
Yakuza Terminology
Daisaku rose from being a "claims collector" for the financial companies President Toda managed... The Last Will and Testament of Tsugio Ishida
The street term, or slang term for a Mafia Debt collector is a "Shilo", or some would spell it as "Shylo". Also known as Leg-breaker.
A Shilo gets back money owed to the Loan Shark, in any way the Shilo sees fit, and for this Collection, the Shilo gets a percentage of the money collected, the norm is 40-50%, but if the Shilo works for the Mafia, they are on Payroll and not payed by the job.
What is the slang term for a mafia debt collector?
Susumu Kajiyama (born around 1950) is a retired yakuza best known for his arrest in 2003, who was dubbed the "loan shark king". He has been introduced as a senior member of the Shizuoka-based Goryo-kai, a secondary organization of Japan's largest yakuza syndicate, the Yamaguchi-gumi...
He was operating over 1,000 underground loaning companies as of August 2003, with estimated annual earnings of over $1 billion, and in August 2003 he was arrested for violating the investment law by "supervising moneylenders providing loans at unlawfully high interest rates". He had been convicted of 14 charges against him by 2005, and was sentenced to seven years in prison in February for money laundering...
In August 2003, Shizuka Kamei, then a senior member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and former Senior Superintendent of the National Police Agency, acknowledged receiving political donations from Kajiyama. Susumu Kajiyama
In 2004, ...a group of lawyers representing borrowers ...sued Susumu Kajiyama ...then affiliated with the Yamaguchi Gumi, Japan’s largest yakuza syndicate. More than 180 debtors won 587 million yen in compensation from Kajiyama, who was dubbed the “Loan-Shark King” and hid 5.1 billion yen in Swiss bank accounts.
[author's note: compare Kajiyama's Swiss yen stash to that of Ikeda's atrocious accumulation of 1 trillion (1,000,000,000,000) yen on personal deposit in a Swiss bank account, along with 6,100,000,000 [6.1 billion] yen in New York and 4,100,000,000 [4.1 billion yen] in Brazil.]
As well as loan sharking, the criminal enterprises of the yakuza include theft, fraud, drugs, prostitution and money laundering, according to a National Police Agency report. Yakuza loan-shark lending surges in Japan
(End of Part 2)
part 1 here
part 3 here
submitted by cultalert to sgiwhistleblowers [link] [comments]

The Ikeda, Strong, Rockefeller, Earth Charter, UN, NWO, and Illuminati Connection (Part 1)

After watching this video and reviewing this report on the subject of elitist-puppet Maurice Strong and his UN Earth Charter and the UNs' push for “Globalization” and “Sustainability” (which has been heavily promoted by Ikeda's SGI), I realized that I had stumbled upon yet another important clue that leads to the underlying web of interconnections that exist between Daisaku Ikeda, the Sokagakkai, and the following entities:
Illuminati Families / Secret Societies / International Banksters
New World Order / United Nations / World Government
Earth Charter / Agenda 21 / World Religion
Sustainable Development / Globalization
NWO UN operatives: Muller, Strong, Rockefeller, Gorbachev, and Ikeda
Soka Gakkai International / SGI NGO
Many people (mistakenly) believe Daisaku Ikeda, the supreme leader of an international religious cult for 56 years, is a wise and benevolent Buddhist leader, educator, and peace activist, but taking a peek behind his manufactured public image reveals a radically different picture. Behind the facade of Ikeda's carefully crafted image of a benevolent religious leader and trustworthy educatostatesmen imbued with a warm fatherly altruistic character, one finds disturbing indications and evidence that seriously contradict his PR image. Ikeda is touted as a prolific writer, but has been outed for using multiple ghost writers. His incredibly long list of doctorates and awards seems very impressive, but a large number of them are purchased accolades or, are conferred by dubious sources. Ikeda has been embroiled for decades in controversies such as building a large aggressive religious cult centered upon himself, his ex-communication by the Nichiren Shoshu head temple, controlling his own political party in Japan, arrests for election tampering, rape accusations, international money-laundering, and more.
I've encountered a great deal of evidence over the years (most of it documented among sgiWhistleBlowers archives) that has certainly prompted many people including myself to suspect that Ikeda's thinly disguised megalomania and lust for power has been fueled by his fundamental relationship with, and dependence upon his own personal psychopathy, perversity, and criminality to achieve his controversial successes as a corrupt multi-billionaire, religious cult leader, and elitist politician string-puller.
As a Korean-yakuza affiliated youth, Ikeda seemingly mastered the craft of employing unethical and criminal tactics to achieve his self-serving goals and agendas, and effectively used his yakuza and Sokagakkai connections to consolidate his growing influence and power into a vehicle to gain even more influence and power. Ikeda perfected the art of creating a benevolent public image to mask his psychopathic activities and pursuit of raw power and great wealth.
It only requires a small amount of research to discover that Daisaku Ikeda, self-proclaimed King of the Soka Empire, is a conniving hustler and savvy con-artist with an inflated ego so enormous and that the entire island of Japan could be crushed under its expansive weight. Rolling back Ikeda's golden boy PR image reveals the riveting story of a cult leader, powerful oligarch, international gangster, global corporatist, and UN operative who would not only exploit Japan, but the entire world as well. Behind Ikeda's deceptive mask, lies the tale of a self-proclaimed king and belligerent tyrant occupying the hollowed shell of a depraved mind and spirit – a man who long ago shed his own morality and humanity in favor of pursuing excessive wealth and power.
After (or perhaps before) publicly crowning himself “King of the Soka Empire” and becoming de facto ruler of Japan, Ikeda set his hyper-ambitious designs upon becoming an elite inside player upon the world stage as well. He set a scheme into motion to elevate himself up the criminal cabal ladder from working with mere Japanese gangsters to working with elite world banksters. Ikeda, a classic megalomaniac, became enamored with joining the ranks of the secretive societies that manipulate the entire world from behind closed doors. Ikeda astutely realized that the UN could provide the necessary connections and means to open doors and gain entry into the exclusive big-boy clubs – the inner circles of power-hungry psychopaths who secretly rule OZ from behind the curtains at the command of their bankster masters. Ikeda shrewdly managed to arrange for his international religious cult, the SGI, to be awarded with NGO status, potentially establishing a significant revenue stream from governments and organizations to Ikeda and his SGI NGO for the express purpose of implementing the bankster puppet-masters' NWO agendas.
Taking advantage of the many opportunities provided by being an NGO member of the UN, Ikeda could at last rub elbows and ingratiate himself with the elite's international criminal cabal – with the circle of elite insiders who hold memberships in the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Group, the Tri-lateral Commission, and other infamous Illuminati-controlled inner circle seats of power. Pursuing his quest to become a world player himself, Ikeda aligned and associated himself with other corrupted UN operatives (puppets) such as Maurice Strong, Robert Muller, and Mikhail Gorbachev - yes-men that scurry to do the bidding of the real lords of the Matrix of Control – those secret despots who steer the global banking/corporate/war machines while remaining invisible and unknown to the vast majority of the public.
Before proceeding with an examination of the many puzzle pieces that comprise a very real ongoing world-wide operation to covertly consolidate all power unto to the clandestine bankster inner circles that Ikeda joined in with at the UN, let's set the stage by doing a short connect-the-dots exercise called, “what if it is true that...”
What if it is true that there is a very small circle of ultra-rich and powerful family dynasties who have for centuries covertly ruled the world by taking control over money, religions, kings, dictators, presidents, entire governments, sovereign countries, educational institutes, global mega-corporations, mass communication venues, military forces, and waging wars for profit - bankster families such as the Rothschild dynasty, who over the course of several centuries have developed central banking, control of money issuance, and usury debt as the ultimate tools to covertly control and enslave modern governments and societies?
What if it is true that other rising rich and powerful family dynasties such as the Rockefellers and Morgans have also been allowed to join in on the feeding frenzy, shoring up the secretive Illuminati pyramid structure that controls and rules over populations through subterfuge, oligarchies, endless wars, and an ever-expanding corporatist global regime – megalomaniac entities that relentlessly pursue the ongoing transference of all the wealth and resources of the world into their own can't-have-too-much greedy hands?
What if it is true that this corrupt cabal of wealthy and powerful international banksters along with their government operatives and mega-corporations have been secretively working long and hard to create a tyrannical self-serving corporatist global regime that has the covert ability to supersede the will of the people and their governments, while overtly creating an empire of perpetual chaos and war to ensure their own unchallenged and unrestrained pursuit of global power and profits?
What if it is true that the United Nations is not an altruistic organization as advertised, but instead is a corporation that was created as a front organization/vehicle to serve the elite while slowly ushering in a New World Order in which the sovereignty of the individual and the state are nullified and all wealth and resources are “redistributed” and governmental functions are “privatized”, while citizens across the globe are fooled by soft power deceptions and psy-op programs into being attracted to and giving their consent for the elite's slow dismantling of individual and national sovereignty in favor of the incontestable control and rule of a One World Government and One World Religion primarily designed to serve the elite banksters at the top of the pyramid?
What if it is true that through the use of questionable instruments such as the Earth Charter and Agenda 21, the UN is being employed to covertly implement the bankster dynasty's globalist vision of a New World Order, and that the planning and incremental implementation of this NWO takeover has been active and in place for at least two centuries or perhaps even longer?
What if it is true that “globalization” is actually the modern-day equivalent of colonialism, and that the attractive sounding term, “sustainable development”, is not about managing environmental resources for the benefit of people but instead is all about insuring the “sustainability” of the elite's wealth, power, and control?
What if it is true that the elite family dynasties and their factions of power-hungry psychopaths are using every means possible to implement their hidden agendas in order to legitimize and extend bankster-ism's agendas of corporate crime and corruption, to eliminate the sovereignty of both individuals and nations, to eventually control all resources (including food, water, and air), to ensure the transference of all wealth and power unto themselves while soliciting approval and support from the masses for their crimes against humanity by exploiting the use of educational systems, religious beliefs, mass media propaganda, deep-state deceptions and psyop programs, manufactured crisis and false flags, the global green agenda, designated NGOs, and the relentless spread of mind-numbing fear to effectively override critical thinking?
What if it is true that ambitious international religious leaders, educators, and international business tycoons have been converted into loyal operatives who are under the secret circle's sphere of control, in order to facilitate the elite's NWO agendas through UN front-men such as Maurice Strong, Robert Muller, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Daisaku Ikeda?
Okay, that is a lot of “what ifs” to consider... but here's just one more that is closer to home:
What if we were to awaken from our mass-manufactured delusions, and suddenly realize that some or all of these “what ifs” are indeed true? o_O Would it be too shocking to handle? Wouldn't it be much easier to look away and continue along our way in a state of oblivious ignorance while leaving ourselves undisturbed, smugly satisfied, and falsely secure in our warm fuzzy comfort zones of self-delusion and distraction? Of course, it would be so much easier to keep our heads buried in the sand and pretend all is well from inside the safety and security of our bubbles of delusion. After all, who wants to have the big party spoiled with a lot of uncomfortable and frightening facts and revelations, right? Hey, I don't like what I am seeing either, but please don't shoot the piano player because you don't wanna hear the tune.
Let's suppose, just for moment, that most or even all of these “what if it is true” scenarios named above are indeed true. Considering the indications and evidence we are confronted with, it would be reasonable and logical to conclude that Club of Rome member Ikeda has for decades been an operative of the Globalist Elite, actively working to gain favor with the masters of the matrix by embracing and implementing the bankster's NWO agendas.
As the saying goes, “the devil is in the details”. Now, in order to more fully understand what the dots really represent and how they interconnect , let's take a closer look at the elements that comprise the alarming realities of the “what if it is true” scenarios described above.
Order of the Illuminati
May 1, 1776 – Adam Weishaupt (code named Spartacus) establishes a secret society called the Order of the Illuminati. The Illuminati seek to establish a New World Order.
July, 1782 – The Order of the Illuminati joins forces with Freemasonry at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad.
1785 – An Illuminati courier named Lanze is struck by lightning, and killed while traveling by horseback through the town of Ratisbon. When Bavarian officials examine the contents of his saddle bags, they discover the existence of the Order of the Illuminati, and find plans detailing the coming French Revolution.
1821 – George W. F. Hegel formulates what is called the Hegelian dialectic – the process by which Illuminati objectives are achieved. According to the Hegelian dialectic, thesis plus antithesis equals synthesis. In other words, first you foment a crisis. Then there is an enormous public outcry that something must be done about the problem. So you offer a solution that brings about the changes you really wanted all along, but which people would have been unwilling to accept initially. [author's note: Hegelian Dialectic is also know as “problem, reaction, solution”]
1828 – Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who finances the Illuminati, expresses his utter contempt for national governments which attempt to regulate International Bankers such as himself: “Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who writes the laws.”
A history of the New World Order — Part I
The thirteen bloodlines of the Illuminati make up the world's elite. They are the head of the banking systems. They are the think tanks of the world - the political groups, and educational groups. They own all mainstream media terminals, and their main agenda is simple - world domination – commonly called, “the New World Order”. They want one global village, of which they control. They see us, the general public, the masses, as nothing more than a bewildered heard of cattle. Their nickname for us, the people, is “the sheeple”.
The Rockefellers are one of the more commonly known Illuminati families. And David Rockefeller, the current patriarch of the Rockefeller family is an American banker and philanthropist . Not just any banker mind you, he, along with the Rothschild (another Illuminati bloodline), between these two families own the entire financial banking system, and thus solely control the Federal Reserve. The Rockefellers controlling America, and the Rothschild covering the finances and banks in Europe.”
David Rockefeller is also the founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Both of these groups get together to discuss US foreign policy, and ultimately are responsible for deciding the future of the world, in which the same theme emerges – a New World Order. And he [Rockefeller] makes no secret of this.”
David Rockefeller is quoted in his book, Memoirs, as saying quote, “Some even believe we are part of a SECRET CABAL working against the best interest of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of CONSPIRING with others around the world to build a more integrated global and political and economic structure, ONE WORLD, if you will. If that's the charge, I STAND GUILTY and I'm PROUD of it.“
Who are The Illuminati and What Do They Want? Full Explanation
The shadow forces behind the New World Order are following a slow paced agenda of total control over mankind, and our planet's resources. David Ike coined it, 'the totalitarian tiptoe', because they are making very small steps toward our complete and definitive enslavement. As a result, the masses remain relatively unaware of the fact that their liberties are gradually being taken away while the power of the New World Order octopus grows steadily.
13 Families Rule Our Planet Earth
The ultimate goal these people have in mind is one world government run by the banking industry, run by the bankers.
AAron Russo, exposes the Rockefellers
Bilderberg Group
In Avian France in 1991 standing before the Bilderberg Group, the apex of the world power structure, David Rockefeller defined the New World Order as a system of world government SERVING THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING ELITE.
The illuminati Bilderberg Group Documentary
For almost 60 years, the Bilderberg Group has been meeting behind closed doors in luxury hotels around the world to discuss in secret their plan for global control of world events and markets. Over the years, their members have included heads of state, politicians, business executives, media moguls, global financiers, military leaders, intelligence agencies, and many other powerful organizations and individuals, whose reach extends to every corner of the world.
The Bilderberg Group - Documentary (2012)
It is the Bilderberg Group that represents the global corporate fascist shadow government that is establishing a planetary regime right now. They are behind the EU. They are behind the North American Union, and now the Asian Union – known as the TPP. They don't want to be identified, they don't want press coverage. Until ten years ago the media would never admit they existed...
Bilderberg 2015: The True Monsters Revealed
Ikeda, leader of 12 million Buddhists, is a Bilderberger
Is Ikeda, leader of 12 million Buddhists, a Bilderberger?
Club of Rome
The Club of Rome is perhaps at the apex of the New World Order pyramid, a Neo-Malthusian organization with interlocking membership with European power elite groups such as the Committee of 300 (a secret society founded by the British aristocracy in 1727) and the Bilderberg Group.
The Club of Rome’s members, including Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and Mikhail Gorbachev, believe humanity requires “a common motivation, namely a common adversary” in order to realize their world government.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself. – Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, 1991
To facilitate the management of the New World Order agenda calls for the elimination of most of the worlds population through war, disease, abortion and famine. According to the Club of Rome's publications, the common enemy of humanity is man.
It does not matter if this common enemy is a real one or… one invented for the purpose.
Richard Haass, the current president of the Council on Foreign Relations, expanded on this topic in his article, State sovereignty must be altered in globalized era. According to Haass, a system of world government must be created and sovereignty eliminated in order to fight global warming and terrorism, both invented as the Club of Rome suggested.
The Club of Rome, headed by Maurice Strong, is THE group that takes the issue of global warming (whether real or imagined) as an excuse to institute a one world government, or new world order.
The Club of Rome / New World Order
Founded in 1968 at David Rockefeller’s estate in Bellagio, Italy, the Club of Rome describes itself as 'a group of world citizens'... Many people have heard of the Tri-Lateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations. What do they have in common with the Club of Rome? They were all founded by Rockefeller. The head hanchos at each organization sit on the Board of the Club of Rome. The T-LC and the CFR are really just the Public Relations unit of the Club of Rome, for the CoR is where the buck stops.
I have been tirelessly talking about Agenda 21, so I hope that people are aware of this little nugget of legislation by now. It was the outcome of the Club of Rome, a think-tank that provides ‘suggestions’ to the United Nations.
Dr Muller founded the UN’s University of Peace on a mountain in Costa Rica. The University is also home to Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong’s infamous Earth Charter Initiative.
The leaders of the Global Green Agenda are deadly serious about their intention to “transform humanity into an interdependent global sustainable Earth Community, based on reverence and respect for Gaia” and they have been spreading their tentacles into every area of global politics.
Unraveling the Club of Rome (part 1)
Daisaku Ikeda, President of Soka Gakkai International, 12,000,000 members and growing, is an honorary member of the “Club of Rome”. This would explain the propaganda in their magazine 'The Art of Living' which promotes the UN as the seat of world peace. Both “The Club of Rome” and “Soka Gakkai International” have an obsession with “sustainablilty”.
Is Ikeda, leader of 12 million Buddhists, a Bilderberger?
Daisaku Ikeda is member in the Club Of Rome.
Ikeda Daisaku
International banksters
House of Rothschild:
A prominent family of German bankers that established banking and finance houses in Europe. The Rothschild family molded the way the international world works today. They were the pioneers in international high finance and were critical in supporting the railway systems in Europe and supplying financing for projects such as the Suez Canal. During the Napoleonic Wars they are known to have almost single handedly financed the British War effort and it is also believed the Rothschild Family has the largest net worth in modern history.
BREAKING DOWN 'Rothschild'
”We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." ~ Rothschild
The Rothschild Empire - The True Leaders of The Planet Earth
“They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what the want – they want more for themselves and less for everybody else!” ~ George Carlin
George Carlin - The Rothschilds Control America
“So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. ”– Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister (1804-1881)
“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the British Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.” - Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild (1840-1915)
“This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in private meetings and conferences...“ - Professor Carroll Quigley.
“The word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people, inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, secret oaths and secret proceedings. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and RUTHLESS CONSPIRACY, that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence. It depends on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations.” - John F. Kennedy
Who Really Controls the World?
New World Order
1773 - Mayer Amschel Rothschild assembles twelve of his most influential friends, and convinces them that if they all pool their resources together, they can rule the world. Rothschild also informs his friends that he has found the perfect candidate, an individual of incredible intellect and ingenuity, to lead the organization he has planned – Adam Weishaupt.
1913 – President Woodrow Wilson publishes “The New Freedom” in which he reveals: “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.
Dec. 23, 1913 – The Federal Reserve (neither federal nor a reserve – it's a privately owned institution) is created. It was planned at a secret meeting in 1910 on Jekyl Island, Georgia, by a group of bankers and politicians, including Col. House. This transfers the power to create money from the American Government to a private group of bankers.
1916 – Three years after signing the Federal Reserve Act into law, President Woodrow Wilson observes: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”
1920 – Britain's Winston Churchill recognizes the connection between the Illuminati and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
1920-1931 – Louis T. McFadden is Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Curency. Concerning the Federal Reserve, Congressman McFadden notes: “When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by International Bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is – the Fed has usurped the Government. It controls everything here, and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.”
1921 – Col. House reorganizes the American branch of the Institute of International Affairs into the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). (For the past 60 years, 80% of the top positions in every administration – whether Democrat or Republican – have been occupied by members of this organization.)
A history of the New World Order — Part I
Nov. 21, 1933 – In a letter to Col. Edward M. House, President Franklin Roosevelt writes: “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government since the days of Andrew Jackson.”
June 28, 1945 – U.S. President Harry Truman endorses world government in a speech: “It will be just as easy for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for us to get along in a republic of the United States.”
October 24, 1945 – The United Nations Charter becomes effective. Also on October 24, Senator Glen Taylor (D-Idaho) introduces Senate Resolution 183, calling upon the U.S. Senate to go on record as favoring creation of a world republic, including an international police force.
Feb. 7, 1950 – International financier and CFR member James Warburg tells a Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it - by conquest or consent.”
Feb. 9, 1950 – The Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee introduces Senate Concurrent Resolution #66 which begins: “Whereas, in order to achieve universal peace and justice, the present Charter of the United Nations should be changed to provide a true world government constitution.”
1954 – Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands establishes the Bilderbergers: international politicians and bankers who meet secretly on an annual basis.
1973 – The Club of Rome, a U.N. operative, issues a report entitled “Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System.” This report divides the entire world into ten kingdoms.
1979 – FEMA, which stands for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is given huge powers. It has the power, in case of “national emergency”, to suspend laws, move entire populations, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant, and hold them without trial. It can seize property, food supplies, transportation systems, and can suspend the Constitution. Not only is it the most powerful entity in the United States, but it was not even created under Constitutional law by the Congress. It was a product of a Presidential Executive Order. An Executive Order becomes law simply by a signature of the U.S. President; it does not even have to be approved by the Representatives or Senators in the Congress.
1991 – President George Bush Sr. (father of the current U.S. president) praises the New World Order in a State of the Union Message: “What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea - a new world order... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind... based on shared principles and the rule of law... The illumination of a thousand points of light... The winds of change are with us now.”
May 21, 1992 – In an address to the Bilderberger organization meeting in Evian, France, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger declares: “Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence.
July 18, 1993 – CFR member and Trilateralist Henry Kissinger writes in the “Los Angeles Times” concerning NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement): “What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system...a first step toward a new world order.”
May 3, 1994 – President Bill Clinton signs Presidential Decision Directive 25, and then declares it classified so the American people can't see what it says. (The summary of PDD-25 issued to members of Congress tells us that it authorizes the President to turn over control of U.S. military units to U.N. command.)
Sept. 23, 1994 –Speaking at the United Nations, David Rockefeller remarks: “This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long... We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
Sept. 1995 – “Popular Science” magazine describes a top secret U.S. Navy installation called HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) in the state of Alaska. This project beams powerful radio energy into the earth's upper atmosphere. One of the goals of the program is to develop the capability of “manipulating local weather” using the techniques developed by Bernard Eastlund. (The program has been underway since 1990.) [author's note: HAARP is associated with geoengineering, climate modification programs, and weaponized weather.]
September 27, 1995 – The State of the World Forum took place in the fall of this year, sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation located at the Presidio in San Francisco. Foundation President Jim Garrison chairs the meeting of who's-who from around the world, including Margaret Thatcher, Maurice Strong, George Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev, and others. Conversation centers around the oneness of mankind and the coming global government. However, the term “global governance” is now used in place of “new world order” since the latter has become a political liability, being a lightning rod for opponents of global government.
1996 – The United Nations' 420-page report “Our Global Neighborhood” is published. It outlines a plan for “global governance,” calling for an international “Conference on Global Governance” in 1998 for the purpose of submitting to the world the necessary treaties and agreements for ratification...
A history of the New World Order — Part II
Nicholas Rockefeller actively recruited Russo to join the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), but he refused. An historic final interview, filmmaker and music promoter Aaron Russo goes in depth on the insider-knowledge given to him by a member of the Rockefeller family. Russo was told– prior to 9/11– of plans to stage terror attacks, invade foreign nations, and kickstart a high-tech police state control grid that would track the populations’ every move...
Rockefeller Reveals 911 Fraud and New World Order to Aaron Russo
The ruling cabal/social engineers/military-intelligence operatives that orchestrated and continue to manipulate the 9/11 false-flag terror operation is international. This so-called “New World Order,” “Hidden Hand,” or “Secret Government” has infiltrated and hi-jacked nearly all the world’s governments, including that of the United States. This “parallel government” is in the process of executing a long-standing plan for world domination that includes the formation of a “one-world government” or “world super-state” which is meant to be run exclusively by and for this self-appointed group. This plan is well laid out in many historical documents, including the Bavarian Illuminati plan presented to Mayer Amschel Rothschild by Adam Weishaupt in 1776.
If we look beyond the smoke and mirrors, we see that 9/11 is part of a trauma-based, mass-mind control operation, based on fear, terror, and lies, designed to bring the peoples of America and the world under the domination of a relatively tiny, international ruling elite (aka, The Global Cartel or New World Order). In this sense, 9/11 was not just an “inside job,” strictly speaking, because the directors and beneficiaries of the crime include an international group, a supra-national elite dominated by international bankers, which has no allegiance to America or the U.S. Constitution.
This “Global Cartel” controls the various intelligence agencies and the military-industrial complex. This “Global Cartel,” in concert with their myriad corporations (including the media), front groups, public-private partnerships, secret societies, etc., comprise a “secret government” that has orchestrated world events from behind the scenes for generations. This Global Cartel is dominated by international bankers and dynastic families such as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers who control the major banking institutions, centrally controlled by the Bank of International Settlements.
Evidence suggests this cabal is part of the same multi-generational “secret government” that has orchestrated myriad crimes in the past, including the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Kennedy assassinations, the secret wars of the CIA (CIA Coups and Secret Wars), the Iran-Contra affair, the Vietnam War, World Wars I and II, the Great Depression, the Federal Reserve Act scam of 1913, the Russian Revolution, and a host of terrorist and false-flag “war trigger events” in the same vein as 9/11.
The permanent war economy is created by controlling both sides of an artificially created conflict using the Hegelian dialectic... War is and has always been the most profitable business for the world’s richest financiers and perhaps the prime money makers for privately owned central banks such as the Federal Reserve. Thus, 9/11 should be seen as one in a series of major planned, global, false-flag operations.
According to Alfred Webre, the NWO has been planning “Operation USA Freedom” for a long time and this essentially involves imposition of indefinite Martial Law, installation of a military government, and overthrow of the U.S. Constitution. The so-called “War on Terror” (actually “War of Terror”) is expected to go on forever.
Webre also asserts that global electronic weapons, including HAARP (the Department of Defense’s High Altitude Active Frequency Research Program) and chemtrails [author's note: “chemtrails” is the layman's term for rapidly expanding SMR skytrails created by geoengineering's High Altitude Aerosol Dispersment programs], are being deployed as instruments of environmental warfare in order to advance this strategy of global political control. Their goal is to relocate, incarcerate, depopulate, and appropriate our property.
9/11 – New World Order
“The problem is the monopoly masters, the money masters, have been very patient – they have slowly but surely used their great wealth to gradually neutralize the self-correcting competitive blocks of power in the country. Not just in the government, but in the media and the academic community as well.”
Bill Still: New World Order (2013)
(Link to Part 2)
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Journalism, Politics, and Bias

You know what's really irritating about finding out that all of the news sources that you've ever trusted have a significant bias, one you only discover because suddenly their views on issues diverge from yours and you're left feeling like you don't know how much of what they've told you you ought to believe?
The fact that those sources are no longer trustworthy.
I used to like listening to NPR, and I would occasionally read an article on the New York Times, the WSJ, etc.,etc. You know, all the main stream newspapers. The ones that have been around for a long time and have a long history of credibility, and slight bias.
Mostly, I just listened to NPR, though - not examining its stories for biases because of how long I had been listening, and their seemingly fair coverage of all sides of the issues. During this US presidential nomination cycle, however, I discovered that NPR and I didn't always agree on certain issues. Most news tends to be reports on the facts, but NPR quite frequently also has analyses. While the distinction between the two is not always apparent (or significant)* - - in those cases where the issue is hotly debated and a definitively correct answer has yet to be determined (if it ever will be), these analyses reveal biases on the part of the analysts, which are occasionally presented one-sidedly (without giving the other side a chance to speak).
These biases have recently begun to make me uncomfortable with the news sources that I used to rely on solely. Every time I turned the radio on to NPR, if it wasn't talk about how Bernie Sanders loss was a done deal long in advance of this week (when it really was official) or how he wasn't even all that great of a candidate in the first place** or about how Clinton was doing great with all of the demographics but the negative press was keeping her supporters' enthusiasm down, then it was some criticism of Donald Trump or some mention of Donald Trump's ridiculousness***. Mind you, I'm not supporting Trump, but everything his supporters (and Sanders' for that matter) have said regarding how he doesn't get due consideration of his positions, with people in the media reducing him to his more outrageous comments and rhetoric (and Sanders getting as little air time as possible, getting cut off at debates, etc.), sounds like an entirely reasonable complaint, given that all I've heard regarding any of the issues that are the main topic of this election - the economy, political reform, ISIS, and immigration- consists solely of comments that Trump has made, and not anything more substantive (which, while perhaps not quite as exciting, would be far more helpful for someone who is interested in, but doesn't want to invest the time to dig through all of the speeches and statements and interviews for a condensed and unbiased view of their actual positions).
Now that NPR has shown me that it isn't always willing to be even-handed when it comes to certain issues, it makes it hard for me to trust that I'm getting all of the news that matters from their journalists and analysts. What happens when an event happens that is difficult for them to reconcile their views with? Will they report it fairly and even-handedly, will they report it at all?
If it could be positively demonstrated that Reaganomics would work (with real-world evidence and a long-term analysis of all side-effects), would NPR do a report on that study? How about the same thing, but with democratic socialism?
What about if an in-depth investigation of welfare was discovered to negatively effect recipients in one way or another? Would they tell me about it, but all the time qualifying its results (it was paid for by welfare opponents; it was small-scale; the current welfare system is at fault, because the hoops people have to jump through to obtain it effectively prevent them from attempting to better themselves)?
How about the reverse? What have they told me (or will tell me) as fact that has been less certain, but because it agrees with their views, they gloss over the uncertainty? How much of what I know is completely incorrect because I trusted NPR when they told me something, but then it turned out to be false? What happens if their assumptions and treatment of ideas as more certain than they are become assumptions on which others found businesses, start families, invest, give to charity, spend money, or perform research?
I'm honestly tired of politics, precisely because it provokes this sort of dissonant thought. Soon after this election ends, I will likely return to listening to NPR less critically, just because I am a creature of habit, but right now, in this moment, I really want some alternative that is actually able to be unbiased, but is just as convenient and high-quality. Ridiculous, right? I don't know. Anyway, thanks for letting me vent.
*e.g. cases such as scientific advances (analyzing what it means), certain Supreme Court rulings which have to do with non-partisan issue, or economic events (where they almost always represent both sides of the story, even where they are revealing bias)
**e.g. after Sanders left the stage when confronted by Black Lives Matter protesters who wished to use his rally as a place to return their message in the public eye, NPR ran a segment on how to deal with protesters, which used Bernie Sanders as an example of what not to do, while simultaneously leaving their position on Bill Clinton's long argument with a heckler from the stage somewhat ambiguous (as I recall, it could have been that it was decidedly negative, but Bill Clinton was discussed in the middle of the segment, while Sanders was used as both intro and outro) and ended the piece with a sarcastic "But whatever you do, don't leave the stage," openly mocking him
***In my whole time listening to NPR during this cycle (which, admittedly grew much smaller as I tired of the constant political debate), I heard only one segment on Donald Trump that could have been construed as positive, and it sounded like they were only running it because it was somewhat ambivalent in its treatment of him. It was the segment about how he tried to break a few of the Empire State building particularly important leases (held by two other New York real estate dynasties) through a legal battle, and how in return he got half of the ownership of the building (free gratis). He failed in the legal battle, but he still made money by selling his share of the building. It seemed somewhat even-handed, but they did mention multiple times that the one who owned the building at the time was a man who had connections to the Yakuza and was serving jail time, which seemed irrelevant except for the fact that its interesting and also makes it sound like Trump was involved in dealings with criminals.
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YAKUZA 0 Chapter 2: The Real Estate Broker in the Shadows ... Yakuza 0 (Zero) Complete Gameplay Walkthrough with ... [Yakuza 0] kiryuu's real estate 16 hours marathon (Part 0 ... The MajorLinux Show: Yakuza 0: Episode 2 - YouTube Yakuza 0  Help Wanted! - YouTube Yakuza 0 (part 7, 4/18/20) - REAL ESTATE ROYALE BAYBEEEEE ... Yakuza Kiwami 2 - Cabaret Club Gameplay - YouTube YAKUZA 0 (Kazuma Kiryu) REAL ESTATE ROYALE Mini Game - 4 ... Kristen Scott Thomas's Interview and Lap Time  Top Gear ... [Yakuza 0] kiryuu's real estate 16 hours marathon (Part 1 ...

Yakuza 0 Real Estate Staff List Guide – Get The Best Staff Once you reach a certain point during Chapter 5 in the main story, you will unlock the Real Estate mini-game. It’s actually very in-depth when compared to the other mini-games and has the potential to earn you millions of Yen whilst also being quite exciting to play. Yakuza 0 has tongue-in-cheek moments – particularly in the silliness of a lot of the side-missions (Help this dominatrix learn how to insult dudes! Convince this girl to stop making her peers flog their undies for cash!) – but it doesn’t have that as a default position, the way Rockstar games often do. Yakuza 0 — Guide and Real Estate Royale Properties. Here follows a list of all the properties you can purchase, separated by district. I didn't include the price involved because really you should be prepared to spend a bundle regardless. This list is mainly for people wondering just where each property is, because it's not like the game Yakuza 0 is a prequel game in the action-adventure series set in the cities of Japan. For Yakuza 0 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Hiring new recruits for my company". This Yakuza 0 Real Estate Royale Guide will cover everything you need to know about the real estate game including mechanics, staff, stores, payouts and more. Yakuza 0 features tons of exciting and rewarding mini-games, one of which is the Real Estate mini-game. This Yakuza 0 Real Estate Staff List Guide features the best staff you can find in the game, how to recruit them and details on their costs. Real Estate Royale. Real Estate Royale is the business game you can play with Kiryu. It’s a small game inside Yakuza 0 that takes some time to beat. The premise of the business is simple: Kiryu Finish Real Estate Royale. One of the big sidequests for Kiryu in the game is the Real Estate Royale, which has him competing against other real estate moguls to become the top man in Tokyo. Buying up all the nearby property can be a lot of work, but it is by far one of the most fun and interesting ways to earn cash. Yakuza 0 is a prequel game in the action-adventure series set in the cities of Japan.

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YAKUZA 0 Chapter 2: The Real Estate Broker in the Shadows ...

I ran around looking for real estate agents...I discovered a new fighting style...Nothing else...I SAID NOTHING ELSE HAPPENED!!!!!---Check me out on Social... After starting Kiryu's side story. Walk towards Mach Bowl from the South and you will notice a businessman hiring a new staff member."Interviewing's hard wor... Yakuza 0 (Zero) Complete Gameplay Walkthrough with Timestamps (No Commentary) - Chapter 2: The Real Estate Broker in the Shadows (Part 3)Substories that have... what the fuck have i done... -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/fapi39 About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/theluigiguy A short preview of the whole thing. This is the final tournament to win over Kirara and have her be part of your club.Special thanks to Hannya Tier patrons: ... what the fuck have i done... -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/fapi39 Yakuza 0 is set in Japan's bubble era, a period of extremely high property prices in Japan during the second half of the 1980s. The game's two principal loca... Top Gear interviews Kristen Scott Thomas and gives her a chance to prove himself with a Top Gear track lap time. Subscribe to Top Gear for more videos: http:...

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